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Rename Payment Method

This feature allows you to give a custom name to your default payment method. For example, you can change the name of “Cash On Delivery” to “Pay on Delivery”. •You can conditionally rename payment methods using Checkout Ninja Rules. Like specific payment method names for some countries.

You can configure using the following steps.

Step 1: Open the “Checkout Ninja Rule” app.

Open the Checkout Ninja Rule App from your store admin panel.

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Step 2: Click on the “Payment Method” Button

Create Payment method customisation by clicking the “Payment Method” button.

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Step 3: Click on the “Create Payment Rules” button.

Click on the “Create Payment Rules” button to create a new rule for payment customisation.

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Step 4: Add the Condition section (Optional)

This is an optional step. If you want to rename a payment method for all customers in your store then make the condition section empty. if you want to rename a payment method for a specific condition then you can add conditions. For example for the Country United States rename Cash On Delivery to Pay on Delivery.

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Step 5: Add the Rule Section

The next section is the Action Section. In this, We can select “Rename Payment method” from the dropdown menu.

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Step 6: Make Rule Active

Change the status of the rule from draft to Active.

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Step 7: Save the Rule

Save the created rule.

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After saving the rule is Active you can test by going to your store checkout page.


What if I don't see a specific rule for renaming one of my payment methods?

Please reach out to customer support and we will consider adding that rule.

What happens to payment customizations when uninstalling?

All customizations are automatically disabled and then removed from your store by Shopify.

Does payment customizations work on legacy checkout (checkout.liquid)?

No. Your checkout must be compatible with checkout extensibility to leverage payment customizations.